Kill them with Kindness

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Afternoon Guys,
This is sort of a vent..
Anyway I work at a call center and I most of the time I tried to transfer customers to loan officer and specialist regarding to insurances and mortgages because they had put their information online so we just call them to follow up with them. you Know what I deal with everyday, and im sure everyone deals with THEM, BUT IT'S DEALING with rude people, god, I hate rude people. I mean, if your not interested just simply say your no interested but there is no need to cuss, yell at us, hang up on us while we are talking to you just being simply rude. It sucks that people these days don't know how to say, thank you, please, your welcome, please yes mam, no sir, have a nice day and etc.. I wonder what happened to people to make them so bitter and nasty. I tried to think that we are all humans and we all have bad days but people should treat others the way you want to be treated. Why is it so hard for people to be kind, graceful and polite these days? I tried to find excuses for them but can't find any.. I hate being treated poorly so I would never treat others poorly as well. when I do get treated badly I still defend myself however I don't stoop to their level instead I smile and kill them with kindness. I refuse to be a bully, so I simply tell these rude customers with a smile , "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, thank you for your time and I hope you have a wonderful day." of course I get angry and upset for being treated unkindly but what's the point of showing my emotions because it's exactly what these ass*oles want, they want you to feel vulnerable because it will make them feel superior to you. WELL, I WONT LET THEM WIN!!!
I remember being bullied in school all the time, kids would laugh at me all the time and call me weird, stupid, dumb, and fat. I didn't have many friends and I still don't have a lot, I did had a few good ones.. But my friends always told me I had a good heart and I was and sweet. Although I was constantly getting bullied I never said anything mean back to them or retun the same treatment as the treatment they gave me. I just ignore the bullied ad just pretend they didn;t hurt me and I just smile and again kill them with kindness, some may think this is weak.. I don't think so. I mean I can stoop to their level cuss them out ."you B*TCH, I'M GONNA CUT YOU SLUT" and start fighting them. than what.. do I win the fight and than go on my day and feeling proud I cussed someone out and beat up someone.. does this make me a winner? because if you like beating someone up and think it will make you a winner than im sorry to say.. your just a bully just like your bully.. You talking down to someone because "your defending yourself" it doesn't make you a good person.. honestly your just in the same low level as a mean person. Don't act out, there are ways to defend yourself without being rude, unkind and crazy. "kill them with kindness, because when you kill someone with kindness it shows that you are unstoppable, powerful and the better person. Don't let anyone make you feel small, don't let your bullies win and have them feed off your vulnerability. you have to show them that you won't be easily knock down... because the truth is.. Bullies wants you to reacts to them, and show your real emotions to them. Don't let them see you sad, angry, pissed off, depressed and defeated. You need to show people that you are not weak and you are strong enough to not let people bring you down.
So smile, and kill them with kindness and just move on because nobody is worth your tears and your emotions.
Excellent advice